#5 Buy Hyacinth

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Purple hyacinth
Buy hyacinth to feed your soul.

Shelley’s words, along with the forced bulbs currently popping up in the grocery stores, have reminded me that, even in this year of uncertainty, spring will come again. And so, as the evergreens, Christmas cacti, and amaryllises (I swear, I looked it up) fade, they are replaced with crocus, tulips, tiny daffodils, and, my favorite, hyacinths.

I have never been able to find any perfume, lotion, or other scent-laden item that offers the true fragrance of a hyacinth. Those I have tried were too cloying or too sweet or just too much. The hyacinth fragrance (I think the pink ones smell the best) is light, but not too timid. You notice it when you walk into a room, but it’s not so overbearing that you want to walk out again. Continue reading “#5 Buy Hyacinth”